Dwayne Johnson’s WWE return has marked the beginning of a new era in the company, he is not just a wrestler but also a board member of TKO Holdings—WWE’s parent company. John Cena, who recently made it into gossip and headlines after his 2024 Oscar stunt, made a decision about his wrestling career.

WWE has been the bread and butter for Cena for decades before the wrestler-turned-actor opened his career path in Hollywood. Recently, the former WWE World Champion revealed that he will not wrestle after he turns 50, it would be very different from what Johnson is doing right now.

John Cena Will Not Wrestle After A Certain Age

While John Cena is still a hot discussion after splashing the internet with his Oscar stunt going to present the Best Costume award almost n*ked, the WWE Superstar has revealed that he will not wrestle past 50. Of course, it would be quite contradictory to Dwayne Johnson who has been a long-time WWE rival of Cena. Johnson is 51 and he has resumed his chapter in WWE turning heal. He is a ticket seller, there is no doubt about that.

However, Cena made it clear that he will not follow The Rock’s path. Appearing in an episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show, the actor said his retirement plans from wrestling.

“You know what, 50 is my absolute line in the sand. I would like to try and do it before that, but at 50, I’m just gonna tweet out, ‘Peace out, see ya.’ That’s it, I’m good. I was very much driven where WWE was my passion 24/7 — and I’m very grateful — but I’ve grown and there’s a lot of other avenues I’m curious about in life, being a great husband and partner is one of those. I just want to try do what I can in those [years].”
Cena entered WWF in 2000, and nearly two years later in 2002, he made his official WWE debut on 27 June. Fans saw him in the ring for the first time as he responded to an open challenge from WWE Hall of Famer, Kurt Angle. Since Cena established his glorious career in the company wrestling for two decades.

Dwayne Johnson Is Not Hanging Up His Boots

Cena is now 46-year-old and he has 4 years left to have his dream match to announce his retirement. However, his fellow WWE Superstar Johnson is far from hanging up his boots anytime soon. Johnson, who made his astounding career in Hollywood as one of the most prominent action stars of current times, failed to make an impression with his DC debut as Black Adam. Of course, he has a few projects under his sleeves but his return to WWE seems more plausible, it’s fun to watch The Rock in the ring with his mic, be it a heel or babyface. While Johnson’s return to the arena was surprising, the actor revealed the reason behind it while having a chat with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show! “It was incredible,” Johnson told Fallon of his SmackDown return.

“So here’s the crazy thing about that is, we were in Boulder. I was there for college game day, and I found out the night before that WWE SmackDown was going to be in Denver, which is right up the road. So I call my buddies at WWE, Nick Khan, and I said, ‘Hey, man, I heard SmackDown here. Can you confirm that?’ He said it is. I said, ‘Good, well, the Rock is coming to SmackDown! And I went out there, and it was really an incredible thing, and I’ve been really lucky over the years to entertain in a lot of different ways. But that kind of connection with the WWE… There’s nothing like it. So my music hit, ‘If you smell’ and I went out there.”
The Rock added,

“They had they had no idea. And you guys know how hard it is to keep a secret. It doesn’t exist. This was a full-on secret. The people went nuts. 13,000 people sounded like 130,000 people. And it was just incredible. So WWE audience, it’s my family and I love them. And it was incredible.”
While People’s Champion is all up for the connection with his WWE fans, the business aspects also kicked in. After being appointed as a member of the board of TKO Holdings, he is on his mission to make WWE great again.