Dwayne Johnson is one of the most well-known and respected actors in Hollywood. However, criticism eventually seems to find even the most successful people. One of the most frequently brought up problem many have with the former wrestler, is the lack of diversity in the roles that he plays.

Many have mentioned how they do not like that he plays the same kind of character in every project that he is a part of. The conversation around this matter seems to have found quite a lot of footing among fans and haters alike.

However, it would seem that a similar sentiment is being shared about one of Johnson’s co-stars. Many have begun to talk about how Ryan Reynolds, who starred in Red Notice, also seems to play the same types of roles throughout the projects that he has been a part of. The matter has become so widespread, that many wonder if he can act at all.

Ryan Reynolds’ Skills Put Under Questioning

Recently, a user on the subreddit, Unpopular Opinion, spoke on their hot take about the beloved actor, Ryan Reynolds. He has become one of the most respected actors in the industry, specifically after he played the role of Deadpool in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Interestingly enough, the user revealed that they were not a big fan of the actor.

They started by clarifying that in no way were they implying that the actor was a bad person, however, it was his professional choices that had them questioning his fame and success.

“I’m 100% willing to bet Ryan Reynolds is a nice guy in real life. But he plays the SAME person in every single thing he does. Even in his advertisements he does the same ‘Look at the camera and say a witty one liner.’” said the user.

“I just don’t get why he’s so popular. He is a very attractive person and I’m willing to bet that has a huge majority in why he’s so popular, but he just isn’t funny and every movie he’s in is just the same.” they continued.

They even took it a step further, stating that they did not think Reynolds to be a funny person, something he has gained a reputation for. Unfortunately, it would seem that the sentiment felt by this user is not a unique experience, as many went on to comment on this post, agreeing with what they had to say.